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Looking for answers with a certified coach?


“Become who you are.”​

“Become who you are.”

F. Nietzsche

And what if the time had come to work with a certified coach at your side to help you make the move and take that plunge?


20+ years of experience across Europe as leader of Social-profit organisations in the field of Education have taught me how to navigate individuals, teams and organisations not only through deep changes and crisis but also through positive developments.


I lead an international life and today I do what I like the most: to engage fully with humans and organisations in order to bring out their best. Curious to know more? →


Honest, clear and liberating interventions in a trustful partnership.

I follow the code of ethics of the International Coaching Federation (ICF). For me building a trustful partnership with my clients is key. I accept them just as they are and start working with what is here now.


Together, we investigate and focus on what is essential for you during an honest dialogue and I won’t stray from this. My approach is question-based, always solution-focused and interculturally sensitive. I am in charge of creating the framework, the space and the process to coach you towards the realization of your objectives.


During each coaching session, we combine both reflection and action, sometimes through experiential learning. I can be a tad challenging when necessary. My interventions are straightforward and are often described as clear and liberating.

Looking for answers with a certified coach?


Solution-focused Brief Coaching
Process Consultation
Systemic Coaching
Spiral Dynamics
Transactional Analysis
Clean Coaching


French, English, German, Dutch, Hungarian


Coaching is defined by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) as a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires individuals and organizations to maximize their personal and professional potential. You can find here below some personal development areas where coaching is particularly relevant and useful. The list is not exhaustive. I work as an independent consultant, but when required in case of a team coaching, I bring together and collaborate with experts from my trusted network.

Crisis coaching

Save when signing up for multiple sessions.

per 60 minutes

per 60 minutes

per 60 minutes

Executive coaching

price on request

Team coaching for companies and social-profit organisations

price on request

Our get-to know session is free!


Fabrice moderated the first ever company retreat of our association. He instantly built trust and a positive attitude in our diverse, international group of directors and staff. We appreciated his professionalism during the 2-days retreat and profited from his passion for gastronomy in a joyful cooking workshop. Fabrice helped us towards becoming a better organisation.
Managing Director at REHVA
I had the chance to meet Fabrice at a turning point in my private life. I felt a sense of emergency to take some important professional and personal decisions. Fabrice allowed me to take a step back and understand what was important for me. Fabrice invited me to investigate possible solutions and above all implement some mechanisms that would allow me to keep some doors open that were for me the most relevant. Our conversations gave me reassurance and allowed me to move forward in life with more serenity.
Consultant in Strategy, Marketing and Positioning


I coach people to bring out their best and help them become better humans. My innate strength is to establish real and emotional connections with individuals and teams across cultures. I bring with me 20+ years of hands-on experience in leadership in the field of Education and a set of guiding values: benevolence, authenticity and creativity. Here below you can find in short my life course.

“Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience”

D. Kolb

I am on a lifelong learning path across cultures focused on the human side of things. Five countries and seven languages later, my kaleidoscope of identities allows me to grasp and adjust to the realities of the persons and organisations that I coach.

Good food is one of my passions. I love to cook and also eat! Where I mostly cook for my family and friends, at times, I work as a guest chef in a restaurant in Hungary, where I can confront myself in a secure environment and experience the state of “flow“ in a professional kitchen . I know the feel of that stretch, when I am fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, and enjoyment. Everything feels just right.

“A map is not a territory”

A. Korzybski

At school, one of my teachers discovered once that I was gifted in foreign language learning. I spent hours listening and practicing my languages like a soloist, training my musical ear and learning by heart entire lists of vocabulary and grammatical rules. At age 18, I got curious to know more about the world and I decided to leave everything familiar in order to learn from other cultures. I was ready to challenge my personal boundaries.

“The true paradises are paradises we have lost”

M. Proust

Like many children, I had magic powers and supernatural skills. I felt protected, loved and special in a world in balance. My childhood ended with my parents’ separation. Overnight, I felt that I would need to learn by myself how to navigate through human emotions and ambiguity in order to grow up.

“We must cultivate our garden”


Coaching is a powerful supporting tool for those who want a smooth transition. I myself have walked on this bumpy road many times and I know the rollercoaster of self-questioning, doubt, emotions and feelings. Back in the time I did not know what coaching was and I felt sometimes honestly a bit overwhelmed! Every transition consists of 3 parts, each of which can be easily supported: 1. The ending of what was; 2. The so-called “neutral zone” which is a muddling and creative period; 3. The new beginning of what is. Recently, I took Voltaire literally and decided to transition again and become with my partner in life a part-time small-scale market gardener. And what about you?

“Never despise a person’s sensibility. Everyone’s sensibility is their genius”

Ch. Baudelaire

Benevolence, authenticity and creativity. These 3 personal values have been playing a guiding role in my life. I believe that doubts and fears, hopes and plans for the future best can emerge in a trustful relationship. In 2018, I became coach in order to follow my values and do what I enjoy doing the most: unlock individuals and teams own sensibility so that we all can become better humans.

“A map is not a territory”

A. Korzybski

At school, one of my teachers discovered once that I was gifted in foreign language learning. I spent hours listening and practicing my languages like a soloist, training my musical ear and learning by heart entire lists of vocabulary and grammatical rules. At age 18, I got curious to know more about the world and I decided to leave everything familiar in order to learn from other cultures. I was ready to challenge my personal boundaries.

“Never despise a person’s sensibility. Everyone’s sensibility is their genius”

Ch. Baudelaire

Benevolence, authenticity and creativity. These 3 personal values have been playing a guiding role in my life. I believe that doubts and fears, hopes and plans for the future best can emerge in a trustful relationship. In 2018, I became coach in order to follow my values and do what I enjoy doing the most: unlock individuals and teams own sensibility so that we all can become better humans.


My coaching approach is question-based and solution-focused. Experience and reflection on myself have taught me how to change lens and listen carefully when meeting a new situation. So every coachee being different, I therefore like to use different tools and approaches accordingly. I want to ensure that through my questioning, there is always something new to discover, something to learn and to get curious about.

What a coach and a coachee do usually is talking and listening. This seems to be obvious, but what about? Well, practically about anything, the point being that the aim of coaching is to achieve a positive result at the end of the coaching process. Typically, during my sessions, coachees want to share problems, frustrations, talk about a new idea or a break-through experience. They need to resolve a dilemma, have a complaint about something, have feelings and fears they want to understand or overcome, they need a feed-back, they want to clarify where they stand and where they want to be.

Both approaches aims at helping individuals to grow, master their problems, and become more effective in their lives. However in a coaching relationship:

  • The coachee is willing and motivated to change something in one or few areas of his/her life.
  • The coaching session look like structured conversations around goals with indicators and action plans that are defined by the coachee himself/herself.
  • The coaching process, through questioning, can be sometimes introspective and challenging, however it is always focused on solutions for the present and the future of the coachee.

Along the coaching sessions, it can happen that the coach advises the coachee to seek for a therapist if he assesses that this would me more appropriate.

As a general rule, if you are looking to make changes in a number of areas of your life then you will probably need 6 to 8 sessions. It takes about 3 sessions for you to get into the habit of asking questions of yourself in a solution-focused way.  Also, if you want to tackle long-standing habits or self-limiting attitudes and beliefs then this usually requires a number at the higher end of the range. However, if you are looking to make a change in one or two areas of your life or just want to ‘get yourself back on course’ then go for fewer sessions.

Based on professional practice, ideally, sessions should be seven to ten days apart. It’s important that we can build momentum from one session to the next. If the sessions are spread more than two weeks apart then it runs the risk of becoming ‘fire-fighting’ rather than coaching. The overall aim of coaching is empowerment. Of course, if you need support for a particular project that requires less frequent sessions we can discuss this.

The standard length is 60 minutes. However, I also offer extended sessions if you feel this would benefit you. Again, we can discuss this. My usual recommendation is to go for the standard session first.

A coaching session is basically a focused conversation. You bring the agenda and I, as the coach, help to structure the process. Each session, after the first, begins with a brief review of ‘what’s been better’. We then move on to the main topic and describe the issue for 20% of the time. We spend 80% of the time focusing on solutions. Each session, usually, generates some kind of action step forward.

I offer face-to-face coaching, Skype and telephone coaching, or a mixture of all three based on your needs.

Yes, I offer a consultation by Skype or Zoom. Typically, it lasts about 20-30 minutes. You can ask any questions you need and also give you an idea of what it would be like to work with me on your goals. 


I am happy to meet you online or talk to you on the phone during a free 30-minute get-to-know-you session and to answer all your preliminary questions about coaching.


Make your appointment by using the online agenda or call me at +32456089193. I am also available to answer your questions at coaching@fabricegonet.com.